Статьи конференции ИТиММ-2020 для сборника, индексируемого в SCOPUS / Новости / ИТиММ

Статьи конференции ИТиММ-2020 для сборника, индексируемого в SCOPUS

Статьи конференции ИТиММ-2020 для сборника, индексируемого в SCOPUS

 In 2020 the annual International scientific and practical conference named after Anatoly Kitov "Information technologies and mathematical methods in economics and management" (IT&MM-2020) takes place for the tenth time at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE,www.rea.ru). The conference is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist A.I. Kitov.

By tradition the “Information technologies and mathematical methods in economics and management” conference (IT&MM-2020) is planned as a multidisciplinary forum of researchers and practitioners from various domains of science and research, promoting cooperation and exchange of ideas in the area of digital economy, information society, mathematical methods and information technologies for the solution of economic and management problems.

The program of this year includes carefully selected invited keynote talks related to the new digital technologies, mathematical modeling, data analysis, cognitive systems and machine learning, big data, Internet of things, mobile systems and their impact on the economy, management and education. Different aspects of the history of ICT were discussed. The scientific program includes a plenary session, a round table session and sessions of six sections of the conference.  Key speakers includes Igor Sokolov (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of RAS), Harutyun Avetisyan (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute for System Programming of RAS), Vladimir Korenkov (Director of LIT JINR, Doctor of Sci. in Technics, Professor), Ruslan Khasbulatov (Corresponding Member of RAS, professor, Doctor of Sci. in Economics), Leonid Borodkin (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Center for the History of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University), Igor Morozov (President of the company "Aplana-Europe"), Vladimir Balasanyan (CEO of the company "Electronic Office Systems") and others.

The list of conference sections includes:

  • Section 1. Mathematical methods for the analysis of economic information and management of socio-economic processes;
  • Section 2. Concepts and technologies of the digital economy;
  • Section 3. Digital education. Information and communication technologies in economics and education;
  • Section 4. History of the creation of information technologies and their use in management and economics tasks;
  • Section 5. Engineering of enterprises based on modern information and communication technologies;
  • Section 6. Student Scientific Initiatives.

The conference Program Committee has reviewed 89 submissions for the conference: 29 submissions were accepted as full papers, 45 as short papers, whereas 15 submissions were rejected. According to the conference program, these 74 oral presentations are structured into plenary session, round table session and 6 sessions of the sections of the conference.

Though most of the presentations are dedicated to the results of researches conducted in the research organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation including Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Taganrog, Dubna, the conference acquires features of internationalization. This move is witnessed by 12 talks prepared by the notable foreign researchers from such countries as France, the USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Finland, Uzbekistan. A complete overview of the conference participants can be found on the websitehttps://it-mm.rea.ru.

The Organizing Committee and Program Committee of IT&MM-2020 express their gratitude to the authors of the submissions, to the organizers and partners of the conference (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" RAS, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Laboratory of Information Technology, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Company "Electronic Office Systems", Company "Consultant Plus"), as well as to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for the financial support to the Conference.



Chairman of the Program committee                             Vitaly G. Minashkin (PRUE)



Chairman of the Organizing committee                         Valery A. Titov (PRUE)

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