Address / IT&MM


Address: Moscow, 36 Stremyanniy lane, build. 3

How to arrive: Serpukhovskaya metro station. Coming out of the subway (only one exit), turn left, then go straight about 100 meters, on your left there will be  Russian Plekhanov University of Economics.


Chernikova Elena A.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics


Phone: +7 (495) 236-73-73

Phone: +7 (495) 958-24-10

Savinova Viknoriya M.

Senior Teacherof the Department of Informatics of the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics


Phone: +7 (495) 236-73-73

Phone: +7 (495) 958-24-10

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