Requirements for publications
Reports are accepted until March 16, 2025.
The manuscript is submitted electronically and uploaded to the conference website. / via the ONLINE registration form.
Articles are accepted in Russian and English.
The volume of a scientific article is from 3 to 7 pages of typewritten A4 text.
The output data of the article is duplicated in two languages and contains: the title of the article, information about the author (surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, current email address for publication in the journal), abstract, keywords. The title of the material and keywords should be relevant and reflect the essence of the research. Abstract – summarize the material in 70-120 words or 8-10 sentences.
To design an article, use only the "Basic" or "Regular" styles. DO NOT USE header styles.
The design of the text of the article: the margins on all sides are 2 cm, the orientation is book A4. The font used is Times New Roman, size 14 pt, line spacing is single, the main text is aligned in width, the red line is 1.25 cm. Do not put page numbers!
The title of the article is in 14 Times New Roman font (no more than 11 words), bold, centered.
Files in doc and docx formats are accepted.
The order and rules for the design of the main elements of the article:
In the upper-left corner of the UDC sheet, which should reflect the subject of the article in sufficient detail (see: /);
Last name and initials of the authors separated by commas: the last name should appear first in the line, then the initials;
Information about the organization: first specify the name of the organization, the city, then the country;
The title of the article (in Russian) – placement in the center;
Abstract 70-120 words (in Russian); The abstract should not: contain formulas; repeat the title of the article in content; be saturated with general words that do not state the essence of the research; contain references to the literature used.
Keywords (in Russian): separated from each other by a semicolon;
The information from paragraphs 2 to 6 is provided in English with the same text parameters.
The text of the article should contain such structural elements as:
the main part,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: who supported the scientific research, scientific consultant, head of scientific work, etc.
BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST (in Russian and English).
Information about each author individually in Russian: full name, academic degree and title, place of work and position, e-mail;
Information about each author individually in English: full name, academic degree and title, place of work and position, e-mail;
The article will be rejected by the conference program committee in case of violation of the requirements for the design of the article and in the absence of contacts to contact the author.
All tables and figures are included in the text, must have a title and end-to-end numbering. Do not use automatic! numbering of figures, illustrations, and tables. The captions to the drawings and diagrams are located below them. For tables, place signatures in front of the table. Under tables and figures, you must indicate the source from which the drawing or table is taken.
Figures and tables must be executed with high quality (graphic processing of figures is not expected in the editorial office). Files with drawings can be requested in separate files at the request of the editorial staff in order to improve the quality of the layout of articles.
The cited literature is given in a numbered (not alphabetically, but in the order of enumeration in the text) list at the end of the article. In the text, a reference to the list of references is placed at the end of the sentence in square brackets indicating the source number, for example: ... in the development of pseudo-cultural trends [1].
Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks, for example: "... should be formed by students by the end of the course" [1, p. 45]. In square brackets, the number of the source is indicated first, followed by the number of the page from which the quotation was taken.
If several sources are referenced, they are listed in ascending order, separated by commas, for example: [3, 5, 8].
The sources in the list of references are drawn up according to GOST 7.0.5 - 2008 "Bibliographic reference" . Examples of the correct design of the list of references: .
References to unpublished or in print works are not allowed.
Formatting a bulleted list: each element of the bulleted list must begin with a lowercase letter, followed by a semicolon.