IT&MM Information technologies and mathematical methods in economics and management - Conference after A.I. Kitova

International scientific and practical conference

An annual International scientific and practical conference named after Anatoly Kitov "Information technologies and mathematical methods in economics and management" (IT&MM) takes place for the twelfth time at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

The purpose of conference is full consideration of IT application and mathematical methods in the economics, management and education, and also recent questions of creation and use of advanced methods of information interaction and data handling systems.

One of the basic topics of this conference is "A single digital space of economic interaction as a task of achieving digital sovereignty and providing it to partner countries".

Ten years before the appearance of the ARPANET network in the USA - the forerunner of the Internet – Anatoly I. Kitov realized the importance of combining computing power into a computer network and in 1959 presented to the country's top leadership (N.S. Khrushchev) a project that provided for the creation of a Unified state network of computing centers in the USSR, which would unite the management of the army and the national economy – theRed Bookproject.

In the 1960s/1970s, Viktor M. Glushkov promoted the idea of a project known since the early 1970s as theOGASproject. The Red Book and OGAS projects, whose ideas were far ahead of their time, did not take place, because the Soviet bureaucracy defended its departmental position. Instead of the Soviet Internet, thousands of disparate computing centers were created in the country, operating at the level of individual institutions and enterprises.

In 2015, at a Forum in Vladivostok, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the creation of a single economic space for the digital economy of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

In 2016, Putin spoke about the need to create a single economic space for the digital economy in a Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, the President instructed the Bank of Russia, together with the Government of the Russian Federation, to create "regulatory sandboxes" on the basis of the Bank of Russia as polygons for the development of innovative financial technologies and for the formation of a single payment space of the EAEU members. In 2017, the Digital Economy program was adopted. Within the framework of the program, programs for the digital transformation of public administration, large corporations, and regions were developed.

Finally, in November 2021, the President signed a Decree "On approving the foundations of state policy in the field of strategic planning in the Russian Federation", which provides for the formation of a "unified information space" in the interests of strategic management of the country. The presidential decree mentions the "unified digital information and analytical platform for strategic management of the Russian Federation". As follows from the document, it is needed for the collection, comprehensive analytical processing of data, assessment of the dynamics of the implementation of strategic national priorities and strategic planning documents, as well as information support for strategic planning participants in making managerial decisions.

The United States and the "collective West" offer a variant of their own "digital dominance" based on the "rules" they have developed - the standards they have set and the patents they own. The other countries are excluded from participating in the development of rules and are "encouraged" to perform the role of a "qualified consumer". The qualification of the consumer is possessed by the willingness to consume Western technical solutions and pay for them with their real assets.

A number of Russian experts propose to support the "digital sovereignty" based on the development of a complete technological stack of system software and tools based on open source. Sovereignty in the digital world is primarily an opportunity to participate in the formation of values and receive a share from their implementation. New technological solutions for the "production of means of production" for programmers are unprofitable for the West, as they threaten to lose their technological dominance. However, these solutions are attractive to countries that the West is trying to prevent from becoming beneficiaries of the development of the digital economy.

Today's valuation of companies is based on promises and the degree of their "promotion". For a long time, the cost of production, materials and other real attracted assets have occupied an insignificant place in the valuation. The "added value" is formed by the institutions of the "institutional economy" and "promotion of promises".

However, the digital economy is an activity that results from billions of daily online connections between people, businesses, devices, data and processes. At the present stage, we are dealing with the "economy of connections". The rapid growth in the number of subjects of the information space (the world has moved from millions of users to billions, and the development of the Internet of Things will create tens of trillions of subjects of information interaction) and the simultaneous growth in the number of services offered represents a "window of opportunity" for new technological solutions.

Today's service economy is developing on the basis of emerging and developing "service cores". However, users are forced to transfer their data to digital giants in exchange for services. "Service cores" concentrate the world's wealth and power in their possession based on the ownership of user data. A new global Internet service, the Commercial, Industrial and Financial Internet (СIFI), is based on the idea of switching the multi-object world by managing proactive objects. TPFI, or the Internet of digital models, is based on the understanding of the digital twin not as a cyber-physical model, but as a more general semantic-ontological model. The main idea is the possibility of using objects (mathematical models of real-world entities) created by one group of users, together with business processes or within the framework of business processes algorithmized by another group of users. At the same time, the commercial, industrial and financial Internet provides the creator of the object with full control over it.

Own digital currency is an important element in the formation of a single digital space of economic interaction and countering the digital dominance of the United States and the "collective West". China is the leader in the promotion and practical testing of the Central Bank's digital currency. The development of system software is a mobilization super-task, a global task. Its successful solution will allow the Russian Federation to become one of the beneficiaries of digital development. This decision is inextricably linked with the formation of a culture of production, creation and preservation of competencies.

Conference gives the chance to the both professional and novice scientists to communicate of the current trends in information society development, information technologies and economic-mathematical methods, to share the developments and innovations, to discuss recent issues of digitalization and safety, to define scientific trends, to create road maps of further improvement and advancement.

The special mission of IT & MM-2022 is to involve young scientists and students in scientific and project activities, providing them with a platform for public presentations of their research - a special section "student scientific initiatives".

Conference is the final stage of the whole series of various scientific events and competitions the winners of which will be granted by the right of performance at the conference with the report and a possibility of the research results publication.

We have plans to

  • discuss the achievements in the IT-field and mathematical modeling;
  • search the ways of scientific knowledge and practice integration;
  • define the actual and perspective directions of scientific researches and practical developments;
  • involve young scientists and students in scientific creativity.

Publish participants manuscripts in one of 3 collections

List of
Index in

Video broadcasts on YouTube 23.03.2023
The plenary session (from 10.00) and the Round Table session (from 14.00) of the IT&MM 2023 conference

Факультет "Международная школа бизнеса и мировой экономики"

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Документальное

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Conference photos


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