Section 1. Mathematical Methods of the Economic Information Analysis and Management of Social and Economic Processes / List of sections / IT&MM

Section 1. Mathematical Methods of the Economic Information Analysis and Management of Social and Economic Processes

Section 1. Mathematical Methods of the Economic Information Analysis and Management of Social and Economic Processes


Tikhomirov Nikolay

Doctor of Sci. in Economics, Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

At section 1 it is supposed to consider questions of development and use of mathematical methods for the solution of actual social and economic problems. These include:

  • probabilistic and statistical methods of analysis, quantitative assessment and modeling of socio-economic phenomena and business processes;
  • methods of optimization and optimal management of socio-economic processes at macro and micro levels;
  • system analysis and expert research methods of complex poorly studied phenomena and processes

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