Organizing Committee / Конференция ИТиММ 2016 / IT&MM

Organizing Committee

IV International Scientific Conference named after Kitov A.I.

«Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies in Economics and Management»

General Chair

Elena I. Tihomirova

 D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Dean of the Mathematical Economics and Computer Science faculty

Deputy Chair

Vladimir A. Kitov

Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Assistant Professor of Computer Science department 


Committee members:


Victor P. Romanov

D. Sc. (Technical Sciences), prof., Professor lecturer of Computer Science department.

Aleksey A. Popov

Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Head of the Corporate Information Systems department.

Valery A. Titov

 D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Vice-dean of the Mathematic Economics and Computer Science faculty.

Tatyana M. Tihomirova

D. Sc. (Economics), prof. of Mathematical Methods in Economics Department 

Elena E. Philippova

 Vice-dean of the Mathematic Economics and Computer Science faculty.

Olga V. Kitova 

 D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Head of Computer Science department.

Yuliya D. Romanova

Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Head of Information Technologies department.

Galina A. Dementieva

Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science 

Савинова Виктория Михайловна

Assistant of Computer Science Department

Kirill G. Levchenko 

Ph. D. (Mathematical and Physics), Assistant Professor of Mathematics department.

Alexander V. Bezrukov

 Senior Lecturer, Department of Statistics

Boris I. Berezin 

Ph. D. (Mathematical and Physics), prof., Vice-dean of the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty, Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov.

Pavel A. Muzichkin

Ph. D. (Economics), Professor lecturer of Information Technologies department.

Ksenia V. Ekimova

D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Head of the Organization Department for Research Work.




Alexander V. Sorokin 

 Manager of IBM  university projects in Russia and CIS.

Vladimir A. Petruhin 

 D. Sc. (Mathematical and Physics), prof., Professor lecturer of Theoretical Cybernetics and optimal control methods department of MIPT.

Valery V. Shilov 

 D. Sc. (Technical Sciences), prof., Head of the Design of Computer Systems of MATI of K.E. Ciolkovsky.

Igor V. Morozov 

 Rector of IT academy




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