IV International Scientific Conference named after Kitov A.I.
«Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies in Economics and Management»
General Chair
Elena I. Tihomirova |
 | D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Dean of the Mathematical Economics and Computer Science faculty |
Deputy Chair
Vladimir A. Kitov |
 | Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Assistant Professor of Computer Science department |
Committee members:
Victor P. Romanov |
 | D. Sc. (Technical Sciences), prof., Professor lecturer of Computer Science department. |
Aleksey A. Popov |
 | Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Head of the Corporate Information Systems department. |
Valery A. Titov |
 | D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Vice-dean of the Mathematic Economics and Computer Science faculty. |
Tatyana M. Tihomirova |
 | D. Sc. (Economics), prof. of Mathematical Methods in Economics Department |
Elena E. Philippova |
 | Vice-dean of the Mathematic Economics and Computer Science faculty. |
Olga V. Kitova |
 | D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Head of Computer Science department. |
Yuliya D. Romanova |
 | Ph. D. (Technical Sciences), Head of Information Technologies department. |
Galina A. Dementieva |
 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science |
Савинова Виктория Михайловна |
 | Assistant of Computer Science Department |
Kirill G. Levchenko |
 | Ph. D. (Mathematical and Physics), Assistant Professor of Mathematics department. |
Alexander V. Bezrukov |
 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Statistics |
Boris I. Berezin |
 | Ph. D. (Mathematical and Physics), prof., Vice-dean of the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty, Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov. |
Pavel A. Muzichkin |
 | Ph. D. (Economics), Professor lecturer of Information Technologies department. |
Ksenia V. Ekimova |
 | D. Sc. (Economics), prof., Head of the Organization Department for Research Work.
Alexander V. Sorokin |
| Manager of IBM university projects in Russia and CIS. |
Vladimir A. Petruhin |
| D. Sc. (Mathematical and Physics), prof., Professor lecturer of Theoretical Cybernetics and optimal control methods department of MIPT. |
Valery V. Shilov |
| D. Sc. (Technical Sciences), prof., Head of the Design of Computer Systems of MATI of K.E. Ciolkovsky. |
Igor V. Morozov |
 | Rector of IT academy |