Goals and Objectives of the Conference
The conference is dedicated to one of the most promising directions of scientific and technical progress (STP) - the development and use of mathematical methods and information technologies for the solution of economic and management problems. At the present stage of rapid development of information society is becoming particularly topical timely creation and the optimal use of the advanced information-communication technologies (ICT) and mathematical methods. As reported, today the computer information-logical systems in almost all areas of human activity. First of all, for economic management; to solve the various problems of health, education, industrial and agricultural production; security etc.
Special importance of electronic information and providing a variety of entertainment services through the Internet for broad layers of the population at all levels (local, regional, corporate and government).
These and other topical issues of the creation and use of advanced methods of automation of information exchange and data processing systems the subject of this conference.
During the conference is expected significant progress in solving actual fundamental problems of applied mathematics and Informatics, and in particular, in such important at the present stage of STP scientific areas as mathematical methods for analysis and optimization of the economic information; intellectual-analytic methods in the management of economic and social systems; information systems for management decision making, etc.
The agenda of the conference provides plenary sessions, six workshops and a final discussion in the format of «Round table».
Agreed, in addition to researchers and teachers of the RG name of G.V. Plekhanov, participation in the conference and made reports, representatives of the Computing centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kiev Institute of Cybernetics named Glushkov, Higher school of Economics, Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov State University of management, MESI, MATI name Tsiolkovsky, MIPT, Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation, other leading universities and academic institutions of Russia and foreign countries